f r u s t r a t i o n ?
Pengar, pengar, pengar
dessa helvetes jävla PENGAR
som just nu får mig på ett förjävla askasst humör
det är kukeuron, det är bögkronan, det är den där jävla braheskolan och framför allt så är det mitt förhelvetes jävla fanskap till bankdosa och swedbank och LCL och helt enkelt jävla MERDE
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"When you look at the sky you know you are looking at stars which are hundreds and thousands of light years away from you. And some of the stars don't even exist any more because their light has taken so long to get to us that they are already dead, or they have exploded and collapsed into red dwarfs. And that makes you feel very small, and if you have difficult things in your life it is nice to think that they are what is called negligible which means that they are so small you don't have to take them into account when you are calculating something."
Pengar, pengar, pengar
dessa helvetes jävla PENGAR
som just nu får mig på ett förjävla askasst humör
det är kukeuron, det är bögkronan, det är den där jävla braheskolan och framför allt så är det mitt förhelvetes jävla fanskap till bankdosa och swedbank och LCL och helt enkelt jävla MERDE
€ € €
"When you look at the sky you know you are looking at stars which are hundreds and thousands of light years away from you. And some of the stars don't even exist any more because their light has taken so long to get to us that they are already dead, or they have exploded and collapsed into red dwarfs. And that makes you feel very small, and if you have difficult things in your life it is nice to think that they are what is called negligible which means that they are so small you don't have to take them into account when you are calculating something."
de hann före dig: